Veterans Resources​

Many veterans battle Epilepsy and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder due to Traumatic Brain Injury. According to an article published in 2016 called Providing Quality Epilepsy Care for Veterans, more than 87,000 veterans enrolled through the VA Healthcare system have been diagnosed with epilepsy, 16 percent who have comorbid traumatic brain injury (TBI) and nearly 25 percent also have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (VA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence et. al, 2016).

The statistics were even higher for veterans who served in Operation Enduring Freedeom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), and Operation New Dawn (OND), with 52.6 percent being diagnosed with TBI and 70.4 percent being diagnosed with PTSD (VA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence et. al, 2016).

At The Defeating Epilepsy Foundation®, we are here to help those who have proudly served our country. Our veterans should not have to deal with the stigma associated with Epilepsy and PTSD after risking their lives to keep us safe. Through out Mental Empowerment Program, our goal is to help veterans gain the support and skills they need to have a better quality of life while battling Epilepsy. Veterans qualify for our Purple Warrior Pooches Program in helping them secure funds for a medical alert dog. 

If you know a veteran with Epilepsy and/or PTSD, offer your support and let them know they are not alone. If you are a veteran or have a loved one who is, please check out the resources listed below. Please email us at for more information or contact us at (909) 740-4461.

Article cited:

VA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence, Altabib, H., Cavazos, J., Pugh, M.J., Hussain, A., Kelly-Foxworth, P., Tran, T., Krumholz, A., LaFrance, W.C., Lopez, M.R., Rutecki, P., & Van Cott, A. (2016). Providing Quality Epilepsy Care for Veterans. Federal practitioner: for the health care professionals of the VA, DoD, and PHS, 33(9), 26-32.

Resources for Veterans:

Suicide Prevention (800) 273-8255, Press 1, Chat online: Text 838255

Suicide Prevention:

VA Contact

Epilepsy Centers of Excellence (ECoE)

Find a VA Location

Mental Health (Substance Use)

Military Sexual Trauma

NVISION Eye Centers, Resources for Veterans:

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

US Department of Veterans Affairs

VA National Center for PTSD

VA Prescription Refill and Tracking

Veterans Health Library,40157_VA

Veterans Transportation Program (VTP)

Women Veterans Health Care

The Recovery Village, Free Resources for Veterans regarding addiction and mental health

Veterans Guide, VA Rating for Nerve and Neurological Damage

Pawsitive for Heroes, providing service dog training for those who have served:

Legal Finders: Resources for Disabled Veterans: